1. Podcast


Wisdom + Wellness

The Art of Stillness

IN CONVERSATION is a production of Banyen Books & Sound, Canada’s most comprehensive body-mind-spirit bookstore. In an age when information…

Vancouver Soundwalk

At the Hollyhock Launch party last February, we took attendees outside the Sylvia Hotel and out onto the streets of…

The Song In All of Us

[mk_audio mp3_file=”https://hollyhock.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/morely.mp3″ audio_author=”Morley” player_background=”#5db59c”] “It’s amazing what lives inside of us; what magic is in each of us. Everyone has…

One Breath Away

[mk_audio mp3_file=”https://hollyhock.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/one-breath-away.mp3″ audio_author=”OBA The Band” player_background=”#5db59c”]Awaken the fire in your hands, the heat in your feet, and the love in…
Wisdom + Wellness


“The biggest illusion of your time is that we are separate from one another.” Teacher and author Michael Roads speaks brilliantly about…
Movement + Nature

Nature Boy: George Sirk

[vc_single_image image=”20741″ img_size=”full”][vc_single_image image=”20740″ img_size=”full”]From Margaret Atwood to the Victoria Natural History Society everyone is talking about George Sirk’s new radio program…

Opening Doors Closing Doors

Joshua Townshend-Zellner and Adam Lesser discuss the importance of committing to creative projects,  by closing doors on other projects in Episode…
Wisdom + Wellness

Freedom Meditation

Release stress and free yourself from your mind’s troubles with this easy 20-minute guided meditation by Padma. Awaken clarity, increase…