Terms & Conditions

Hollyhock programs can be exciting, but can also challenge us. Please familiarize yourself with the program before registering to make sure that it is the right fit for you.

Campus Programs & Bookings

To reserve your space we require a nonrefundable 20% deposit of your total reservation balance at the time of booking.

  • The full payment of the reservation’s balance is due 30 days before arrival and is automatically charged to your credit card.
  • Cancel more than 30 days ahead of your program your deposit is held as a credit, minus a 15% cancellation fee. The credit is valid for current season or next. Credits are transferable with written authorization.
  • Should you cancel between 30 and 14 days from start of program payment becomes a Hollyhock credit for the entire amount for 1 year. If you are unable to use the credit, it will become a donation. Credits are transferable with a written authorization.
  • Cancel within 14 days of arrival: forfeit your total reservations balance.
  • If you depart early during a program, full tuition, room and meal charges still apply.

Please note: some programs have other special deposit requirements and/or cancellation policies that are explained at time of booking.

Please check with your airline about its cancellation policy. Hollyhock is not responsible for travel reservations booked.

Campus Scholarship Cancellation Policy

  • Upon approval you will be provided with instructions on how to accept the grant offer and finalize your enrollment
  • A 20% deposit of your total balance is required to secure your spot
  • If you accept the scholarship offer and cancel at least 30 days prior to arrival the remainder of your deposit becomes a Hollyhock credit available for the current year or next. Credits are transferable with a written authorization.
  • The full payment of the reservation’s balance is due 30 days before arrival and is automatically charged to your credit card.
  • If you have accepted the scholarship; and cancel within 14 days of arrival: forfeit your total reservation’s balance.
  • If you depart early during a program, full tuition, room and meal charges still apply.

Virtual Programs Cancellation Policy

We require full payment for virtual programs at registration.

  • Cancel at least 7 days prior to the program start date: $50 or 50% of ticket price for a processing fee (whichever is less), balance becomes a Hollyhock credit available for the current year or next.
  • Cancel within 7 days of the program start date: No refund or credit will be issued.
  • Tickets and credits are transferable with written authorization.

Vancouver Cancellation Policy

  • Cancel at least 14 days prior to the program start date: $50 or 50% of ticket price for a processing fee (whichever is less), balance becomes a Hollyhock credit available for the current year or next.
  • Cancel within 14 days before the start of the program: No refund or credit will be issued.
  • Tickets and credits are transferable with written authorization.

Bodywork Cancellation Policy

Cancellations or changes must be made 24 hours prior to your session. Any cancellations made within 24 hours will forfeit the full session fee.

If you need to cancel or make changes within 2 days of your session, please call the Hollyhock Store directly at 250-935-6576 (ext. 231). Otherwise, please email us at [email protected] or leave a message on the pre-booking line (ext. 259)

I understand that Hollyhock requests that I check-out in person at the Gateway Reception on or before my departure. In the event that I depart without checking out, I authorize Hollyhock to charge my credit card for any outstanding balance on account.

I acknowledge that while at Hollyhock I am responsible for my own well being. I therefore do not hold Hollyhock, event presenters or organizers, or meeting room owners, responsible for any accident, injury, loss, difficulty or resulting expense that may occur while I am registered at Hollyhock for a program, event, or holiday.

I understand that all illegal drugs and substances are forbidden on Hollyhock property.

Click here to view the Community Policy on Respectful Conduct in its own page.

Hollyhock nurtures inspired leadership through connective, immersive experiences. Our vision is a loving and living planet for all.

Respectful Conduct Policy Statement
Hollyhock is committed to providing a respectful environment, one that is free from Bullying and Harassment.

All members of the Hollyhock community, including employees, contractors, volunteers, learners, guests, program participants, speakers and vendors (collectively “Community Members”) are responsible for conducting themselves in a respectful manner, one that is free from Bullying and Harassment: (1) at or on any Hollyhock premises; (2) while interacting with Hollyhock employees, contractors and volunteers; and (3) while attending at any Hollyhock organized or sponsored functions, conferences, meetings or other events.

What is Bullying and Harassment?
Reference to the phrase “Bullying and Harassment” in this policy includes any inappropriate conduct or comment by an individual towards another that the individual knew or reasonably ought to have known would cause that other to be humiliated or intimidated, but excludes, in relation to conduct or comment directed at employees, any reasonable action taken by Hollyhock or management relating to the management and direction of employees or the place of employment (“Inappropriate Conduct or Comment”).

Reference to the phrase “Bullying and Harassment” in this policy also includes discriminatory harassment, which is Inappropriate Conduct or Comment of a person or group of persons related to a protected ground under the Human Rights Code, in other words, Inappropriate Conduct or Comment based on:

  • race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion
  • political belief
  • marital status, family status
  • physical or mental disability
  • sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression
  • age
  • unrelated criminal conviction.

Examples of behaviour that constitutes Bullying and Harassment, and is accordingly prohibited, includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Verbal misconduct such as verbal abuse, insults, offensive or defamatory remarks, derogatory jokes, suggestive comments, slurs, or unwanted sexual invitations, or comments;
  2. Offensive, derogatory or defamatory visual displays including words or images on presentation materials, pamphlets, posters, photographs, cartoons, drawings or other media;
  3. Aggressive or unwanted physical conduct including unwanted touching, inappropriate physical contact, shoving, pushing, assault, or intentionally blocking another’s movement or interfering with their activities;
  4. Unwelcome sexual attention, stalking, or physical contact such as pinching, grabbing, or groping;
  5. Threats or demands to submit to sexual or inappropriate requests, and offers of action or inaction in exchange for sexual favors;
  6. Retaliation for reporting or threatening to report Bullying and Harassment.

NOTE: Critical examination of beliefs, including, but not limited to, critical commentary on the religious or political beliefs of others, does not, by itself, constitute Bullying and Harassment. One of the underlying rationales of this policy is to promote the free exchange of ideas, not to inhibit it. However, when such behaviour crosses the line into verbal or physical abuse, it becomes prohibited.

Harassment Reporting Procedure: Any Community Member who believes that they have been subject to Bullying and Harassment as described in this policy should immediately report the incident verbally or in writing to the person in charge of the activity in relation to which the Bullying and Harassment is said to have occurred, being the workshop lead, the conference producer or the senior Hollyhock staff member on site. If the issue is with one of these individuals, the incident should be reported to the Hollyhock Operations Director or the CEO.

In addition, any Community Member who sees or hears about conduct that may constitute Bullying or Harassment under this policy should immediately report it to their supervisor or the Operations Director. If for some reason the employee feels uncomfortable about making a report to that supervisor, the employee should report the incident directly to the CEO.

Any reports of Bullying and Harassment should include details of the incident(s), the names of individuals involved, the names of any witnesses, direct quotes when relevant, and any documentary evidence (notes, pictures, cartoons, emails, etc.).

Investigation of Reports: All reports of Bullying and Harassment, which allege conduct that is considered to be Bullying and Harassment under this policy will be promptly investigated. All Community Members who are involved are required to fully cooperate in the investigation process and respect confidentiality.

Anonymity and Confidentiality: In order to protect the right of persons accused of Bullying and Harassment, anonymous complaints will generally not be investigated. We urge anyone who is the victim of Bullying and Harassment or a witness to it to come forward so that we can properly investigate each complaint. Hollyhock will do its best to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all parties involved in any complaint or report, to the extent possible consistent with its obligation to investigate. Any express promise of confidentiality by a person authorized to speak for Hollyhock before, during, or after an investigation will be kept and respected by Hollyhock, unless disclosure is required by law.

Sanctions: Individuals who engage in prohibited Bullying and Harassment in violation of this policy may be sanctioned.

Employees, contractors and volunteers of Hollyhock are subject to the Hollyhock Code of Conduct and may be disciplined, up to and including termination.

If any other Community Member engages in conduct found to be Bullying and Harassment, appropriate remedial action will be taken, which may include, but is not limited to, expulsion from the function, meeting, conference, or event, or expulsion from the premises.

When there is a reasonable basis for believing the conduct is criminal in nature, appropriate law enforcement authorities will be notified.

Sanctions can also be imposed on Community Members who file complaints of alleged Bullying and Harassment in bad faith.

Harassment Statement for Hollyhock Events: The following statement will be posted conspicuously at all Hollyhock events:

“Hollyhock and its members actively promote an environment that is safe, positive, welcoming, and open for all members of the Hollyhock Community. We are each responsible for creating this environment at Hollyhock gatherings and events. As a conscious community, we must be aware of our actions and their impact on others. We cannot blur the lines of a caring, connecting community with one that feels predatory, no matter how good the intentions. Sexual, racial, or any other type of harassment will not be tolerated, and we ask each community member to act accordingly and speak up if a situation feels or looks inappropriate.

Hollyhock takes all reports of harassment very seriously and is committed to a fair and open way of dealing with every situation. Our goal is to assure that we have a respectful and caring community.

Hollyhock has adopted a formal Community Policy on Bullying & Harassment. A copy of the Policy is available on our website and is also available at the registration table of the conference. If you are the victim of harassment or a witness to an incident of harassment, please report it to the Workshop Lead or Event Producer as soon as possible.

We thank everyone for their cooperation in keeping Hollyhock a safe place for people to gather, share, reflect, and collaborate.” 

Last updated December 2024

Occasionally Hollyhock staff, volunteers, or contractors will take photos and videos throughout the Hollyhock campus, or will use images, video, and/or audio from recorded virtual sessions, to use in promotional materials such as on our website, e-mails, and social media accounts.

By participating in our in-person programs, by being on the Hollyhock campus, and/or by participating in our virtual programs with your video on when we are recording, you are authorizing and consenting that Hollyhock shall have the rights to use and permanently retain any/all photographs, audio and video recordings taken during your stay at Hollyhock or during a virtual recording. Hollyhock reserves the right to use these assets for all purposes relating to Hollyhock’s business and not-for-profit activities. We usually let participants know when there is a photographer in attendance or when we are recording a virtual session, and we strive to represent all images in an honest and respectful way.

If you/your family do not wish to be included in photographs or recordings on the Hollyhock campus, please sign an opt-out form at the front desk when you arrive and ensure that you identify yourself to any photographers on site. If a photo is being taken and you are in a position to do so, please do not partake in the photo. If you do not wish to be included in any virtual recordings, please turn off your video and use the chat function when we are recording. Please ask for assistance if you need any support.

Hollyhock is continually working to implement a safe, proactive, and appropriately scaled responses to the spread of communicable diseases. Keeping our guests, presenters, island community, and team members safe is our top priority. Please see our Communicable Disease Protocols for more details.

Our standard cancellation policy will be in effect for all pandemic related cancellations, including but not limited to feeling sick and being unable to travel due to closed borders. If you have extenuating circumstances regarding this policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The information provided through Hollyhock programming is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, therapist, counselor, mental health practitioner, licensed dietitian or nutritionist, or any other licensed or registered health care professional. Do not use Hollyhock programming in lieu of professional advice given by qualified medical or mental health professionals and do not disregard professional medical or mental health advice or delay seeking professional advice. Do not stop taking any medications without speaking to your physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, mental health provider or other health care professional.  If you have or suspect that you have a medical or mental health issue, contact your own health care provider promptly.