Professional DevelopmentWhat is Values Based Organizational Design?2 years agoIt is more important than ever for organizations to commit to anti-racism, equity, inclusion, diversity, and justice. The challenge facing…
Stories + RecipesWhat We Planted in 2022, What’s Growing in 20232 years agoThe mid-winter garden at Hollyhock is not the showiest season. The greenery and flowers have died back, the apple trees…
Professional DevelopmentA commitment to deepen our climate action3 years agoThere was once a time where we could imagine that the impacts of climate change were far away: sea-level rise…
Professional DevelopmentHey – I wrote a book!3 years agoAre you there, Hollyhock community? It’s me, Madeleine. For those of you who I’m having the pleasure of meeting for…
Professional DevelopmentPowerful Peer Circle: From Sanity Checks to Strategy & Action4 years agoThis post was submitted by SVI Women 2019 alumni Angie Mertens, Jo Fleming, Michelle Thimesch, Carolina Miranda, and Janet Schieferdecker. …
Social JusticePurpose at this Pivotal Time4 years agoAkaya Windwood and Sarah Crowell help us get clear on our purpose during a time of convergence between the pandemic, the fight…
Professional DevelopmentStories + RecipesLeading the Way: The Birth of SVI Women4 years agoApply now to SVI Women 2023! You’re never too old to join a revolution. At the ripe old age of…
Professional DevelopmentSocial Venture Institute Turns 254 years agoFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Innovative gathering for social entrepreneurs celebrates 25 years and goes virtual with BC, Alberta, California partnership A…
Professional DevelopmentStories + RecipesChanging the Nature of Business: 25 Years of Social Venture Institute4 years ago25 years ago, Hollyhock saw a need. Business and entrepreneurship was clearly ready for a major refresh. The age of…
Movement + NatureWisdom + WellnessGrounded: Somatic Anchors & Presence6 years agoPresence… The very word evokes a depth and potency of character – a gravitas, a charisma based on inner substantiality;…
Social JusticeClimate Hope6 years agoI recently made the trip to Victoria to have dinner with my son Aedan who is in environmental studies at…
Professional DevelopmentStories + RecipesLeadership and Eldership6 years agoCo-written by: Mike Rowlands and Denise Williams In her extraordinary autobiography, Becoming, Michelle Obama describes a mindset that helped her…
Social JusticeWisdom + WellnessIndigenEYEZ and Two-Eyed Seeing6 years agoKim Haxton of the Potowatomi First Nations is co-founder of IndigenEYEZ, an organization that is dedicated to inspiring an intergenerational…
Professional DevelopmentSetting the Pace in Crazy Times6 years agoThe owner and CEO of one of our clients is currently away on a year-long sabbatical. He had been dreaming…
Professional DevelopmentTurning Planning Inside Out6 years agoThis article was originally posted by Mike Rowlands at Junxion. Last summer, we were working with a new client to…
Movement + NatureTrust Your Gut6 years agoEmbodiment is a maturing field that has much to offer to improve leadership, communication, and innovation. For decades it has…
Wisdom + WellnessAuthority vs Power: Exclusive Preview with Daniel and Gabor Maté6 years agoImagine we are all planets orbiting each other and the sun. We revolve based on our own momentum. But sometimes,…
Wisdom + WellnessAlive, Authentic, Spontaneous: Videos7 years agoI believe we are here to heal each other. I believe most humans, given the opportunity and tools, will rise…
Wisdom + WellnessBeyond Hope: Leaning into Pandora’s Legacy7 years agoThis article is a transcript of a speech I delivered in May 2018, at the Tending The Threshold event in Ashland, Oregon,…
Stories + RecipesResilience7 years agoI’ve been working with this idea of Resilience after a traumatic event in my family recently. If you were to…
Social JusticeWisdom + WellnessListen to Learn: Conversations in the Village7 years agoWe have been given two ears and one mouth so that we listen twice as much as we talk. We…
Stories + RecipesOn vulnerability, transparency, and accountability – musings of a new CEO7 years agoOh the joy of being a CEO. What should I focus on? How should fill my days? Should I get…
Professional DevelopmentHow to Be Resilient7 years agoI am strong.… I am able not only to weather storms, but to stand facing the wind…. I am capable.……
Professional Development5 Practices for Creative & Effective Collaboration7 years agoFrom classical dance to cooking, team sports to the healing arts, all refined human activities have core competencies or practices.…
Professional DevelopmentWalking Conversations7 years agoWalk2Talk is a simple, effective, inclusive communication strategy that expands our thinking and builds connection, reflection, and a physical sense…
Movement + NatureStanding Strong7 years agoTake a moment right now to notice how you are holding your body… Are your feet touching the ground? Are…
Professional DevelopmentVision, Purpose, and Resilience7 years agoThis is a Hollyhock Talks podcast about how clarity on our purpose, vision, and intention can help us develop resilience as…
Professional DevelopmentDoes your team need a tune-up?7 years agoHere are some direct quotes from members of senior management teams in organizations ranging from leading corporations to national nonprofits:…
Social Justice7 Images of Trust7 years agoTrust. I’ve been considering the source and nature of trust. I tend to think in visual images and poetic metaphors,…