End Your Overwhelm in Work & Life
With Amrita Ahuja
June 2 - 7, 2023
Are you feeling overwhelmed?
Getting things done has become increasingly difficult. There is too much to do and the world is filled with distractions that drain our energy and prevent us from doing what matters most to us.
On top of that, our society has given us the impossible task of trying to do more than is actually doable. It’s not just you. Everyone is overwhelmed and nobody can keep up.
So how do we fulfill our dreams and our responsibilities without falling into anxiety and burnout?
Groundwork is a philosophy and way of life that causes a permanent shift in how you manage the unavoidable chaos of life. It gives you back time and energy so that you can live a life of fulfillment.
Join us to put into place a new framework that will give you clarity and help you produce results beyond your wildest dreams. Clear the inner and outer clutter, and return to your life with a new and powerful way of getting things done with ease.
“Groundwork is the backbone to helping us navigate the modern day chaos. It brings awareness to our patterns, and gives us tools to move from fight or flight to alive and thrive!”
-Mark Rabin, Founder, Portable Electric
How it works:
1. Shift out of your survival response to getting things done
2. Learn an entirely new way of managing your life and work
3. Follow the Groundwork framework and live with ease
This masterclass is uniquely designed for Hollyhock and combines teaching, working sessions, time for contemplation and much more. Join hundreds of people use Groundwork to cultivate their peace of mind and still get it all done.
“The workshop went far beyond simple logistics – it actually hit me on emotional and spiritual levels. Working with this system has made me more self-aware, more accountable to myself and everyone around me, and more in touch with my intuitive capacities.” – Anjali Appadurai, BC NDP 2022 Leadership Candidate, Director of Campaigns, Climate Emergency Unit
View your program schedule here.
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The creator of the Groundwork™ productivity framework, Amrita Ahuja has introduced ease and flow across industriessince 2010. From her firsthand experience launching startups to coaching founders of enterprise, technology, health and wellness companies, musicians, social justice workers, and creative agencies, Amrita has helped thousands expand the way they think about life,…
Learn more about Amrita Ahuja