Going Fallow – When Taking a Break Creates

If you’re a creative, you know this feeling; the feeling of playing catch up, the feeling that you have to work like Hemingway or Coltrane to be like Hemingway or Coltrane. Legends in their own rights but everyone has their own work pace to maximize their respective outputs. Sometimes you need to take a break to create.
Joshua Townshend-Zellner and Adam Lesser, co-hosts of “Notes on Your Notes”: a weekly podcast that delves deeper into the creative process, touch on the subject of “going fallow”; the need to stop and regenerate your creative reserves in a system where we feel pressured to work relentlessly. Find out how to expand your creativity through self-restoration below.
[mk_padding_divider][mk_audio mp3_file=”https://hollyhock.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/12.18.18.goingfallow..mp3″ thumb=”https://hollyhock.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/goingfallow.jpg” audio_author=”Notes on Your Notes”][mk_padding_divider]

Joshua will be with us for Improv for Life, a 4-day workshop where you will tap into your most creative self through improvisation games, impromptu writes, trust exercises and many more activities stemming from his endless stream of ideas and insights. Plus, long time literary ally, Ann Randolph, will be presenting Holy Sh*t: Writing the Sacred & Profane in Life. As a special, if you register for both programs, you save 10% off tuition.
At Hollyhock, you will be immersed in the natural beauty of Cortes Island while surrounding yourself with other creatives; shifting gears from everyday convention to your exceptional potential. Looking forward to seeing you this year!

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