Donna Martin, MA, has been a regular presenter at Hollyhock for 35 years. She has practised and taught psychotherapy, yoga, and meditation for more than 50 years. Psoma is her original healing approach based on the Hakomi method, somatics, yoga and mindfulness. She is the author of several books, including Embodied Mindfulness – the Hakomi Way and the Practice of Loving Presence (with Ron Kurtz). Her newest book is Psoma – Healing as Remembering Wholeness.
Shelley Winton is a co-creator of the psoma trademark and has practiced and taught with Donna for many years. Shelley is a Registered Nurse, yoga teacher and certified Hakomi therapist and teacher. Her Master’s thesis explored the efficacy of psoma as a therapeutic approach.
hakomieducationnetwork.org | vancouverhakomi.ca | donnamartin.net
Events with Donna Martin & Shelley Winton

August 31 - September 5, 2025
What if we can learn to accompany someone on their healing journey without any suggestion of something wrong, something to fix? How can we recognize healing as an inside job – the unfolding of our intrinsic and natural wholeness? How can we learn to be the kind of presence that…