There are three reasons why I would like to write this article. First, is that the human body has energetic systems which clearly impact our physical, mental and spiritual bodies, and the healthiest person has these energetic systems in alignment. Second, there is a way to treat the patient back to health by re-aligning these physical, mental and spiritual energies. Third, I would like people to know that Vital Energetic Alignment Chinese medical acupuncture with its philosophy of balancing and harmonising is capable of healing people that have become misaligned. Just as trees must grow in a specific way as to not topple over, humans must keep these energies aligned so as to stay healthy.

In 1982, I started to read about body, mind and spirit, as well as other chakra systems in ancient Chinese medical literature. I found that there should be a systematic procedure that focused on body, mind and spirit. I compiled my findings and experience on Vital Energetic Alignment and published these findings in a French medical journal. After, I continued to study Post Concussion Syndrome and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I found that these two were severely affected by vital energetic alignment. The procedural treatment involves three needles in the front and three needles in the back. The front is associated with CV 6, 17 and 22, and the back with GV 4, 14 and 20. It is a wonderful procedure for PCS, Post-Traumatic Anxiety Stress Syndrome and PTSD. I have revisited and modified this procedure many times since that initial publication.
I have also discovered that BL.65 on both feet corresponds with human alignment and the two emotional gates PC.6 (inner) and TE.5 (outer). PC.6 is the inner gate and in a healthy patient will be open, however if the patient has a history of unconsciousness, PTSD or any surgical anesthesia it is likely that the PC.6 gate will have closed and must be reopened. TE.5 is the outer gate and is associated with emotional pollution and usually needs to be opened if there is any emotional trauma, which is very likely in cases of PTSD.
About 25 years ago, I began to propose my treatment at many conferences, universities, institutions and societies. So far it has garnered a very positive response. My hope and dream for the future of Vital Energetic Alignment treatment is that it eventually becomes a standardised procedure for PTSD. I am glad to be able to share my findings with all of you. I hope that it will help our patients who suffer from PCS, PTSD, Post Stress Syndrome and all the other negativities. I also hope that I can improve the technical aspects of the procedure, as well as improve the training so that more doctors may better heal their patients. My last wish is that the treatment result of PTSD has much success with the use of Vital Energetic Alignment. I have confidence that Vital Energetic Alignment will be a great help in acupuncture, and I am so glad to have this highway open so that we will have a way to heal vital energetic alignment problems such as PTSD and Vital Energetic Alignment Disorder.
Steven K. H. Aung, CM AOE MD PhD FAAFP
Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
Adjunct Professor, Faculties of Extension, Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences and Rehabilitation Medicine and School of Public Health University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
We sat down with Dr. Aung, listen in to Hollyhock Talks Podcast as we discuss the foundation of balance Qi Gong can bring to your body, mind and spirit, and how we can pour that balance back into the world.
Join Dr. Aung for Aung Medical Qi Gong & Intuition on Cortes Island, July 13 – 16, 2018