Unlocking the Mystery of the Soul through Dance

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At Hollyhock, we are incredibly lucky to host world-renowned teachers in everything from creativity and movement to wisdom and spiritual teachings. Two of our most beloved long-time presenters, Margie Gillis and Atum O’Kane, who have been teaching individually at Hollyhock for over a decade, are coming together for the first time to unite spirituality and dance.
Margie Gillis is an internationally acclaimed modern dance artist, who with Dancing from the Inside Out, has inspired many of our guests to move like the tides of the ocean and dance among the flowers in our garden. Atum O’Kane is the founder and director of the Spiritual Guidance Wisdom School, and has gracefully guided many others to get in touch with the calling of their hearts with programs such as Time of Transition and The Art of Spiritual Guidance.
The pairing of these two teachers is a rare and exceptional opportunity to explore The Mystery of the Soul. Margie gives us a summary of the energy and passion awaiting; watch below to learn more.

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