We invite you to review Hollyhock’s Terms & Conditions that you have agreed to by registering for your program.
Campus Liability Waiver:
The purpose of the Canadian Psychedelic Summit is to engage in conversation about psychedelic medicines. In accordance with Canadian law, the Canadian Psychedelic Summit is a drug-free event. Our expectation is that participants are clear and lucid for these important sessions and program content, holding the highest regard for sacred medicines.
Hollyhock Community Policy on Respectful Conduct:
Hollyhock and its members actively promote an environment that is safe, positive, welcoming, and open for all members of the Hollyhock Community. We are each responsible for creating this environment at Hollyhock gatherings and events. As a conscious community, we must be aware of our actions and their impact on others. Hollyhock has adopted a formal Community Policy on Bullying & Harassment. A copy of the Policy is available on our website.
Critical examination of beliefs, including, but not limited to, critical commentary on the religious or political beliefs of others, does not, by itself, constitute Bullying and Harassment. One of the underlying rationales of this policy is to promote the free exchange of ideas, not to inhibit it. However, when such behaviour crosses the line into verbal or physical abuse, it becomes prohibited.