Our presenters are curated for their quality, depth, integrity, and alignment with our educational purpose. Since 1982, a distinguished faculty of authors, educators, activists, artists, performers, and practitioners have shared their work at our Cortes Island campus and in Vancouver.
Trudi Goels
Not a big fan of marketing speak or corporate jargon, Trudi will tell you how it is, how it can be, and will roll up her sleeves to work along side you. From outstanding event production, to workshop delivery, capacity building, and public speaking – Trudi delivers scintillating ideas, sizzling opportunities, and blazing outcomes. She is a sought out mentor by feminist business owners.
Currently, she is a Director at Women Transforming Cities, an advisor for the Poetic Justice Foundation and occasionally delivers workshops through Vantage Point. She’s a co-founder of Women on Wednesdays, a champion of body liberation, an advocate for better allyship, and is passionate about seeing the Lower Mainland Mayors Council become diverse, progressive, and representative of the region we live in.
Trudi is supported by the rad feminists of New West, The Nation (a global group of Feminists), her partner, their three children, cat, and dog. She’s fueled by coffee, laughter, music and shine theory.