Diane Haug, MA, LPCC, is a licensed therapist living in rural northern New Mexico. Her background includes a decade of working with adults and children dealing with life-threatening and terminal illness. Having completed the Grofs’ first three-year training, Diane has been involved with transpersonal psychology and Holotropic Breathwork since 1986. As a senior staff member with Grof Transpersonal Training, she has taught training modules internationally and in the US.
Diane maintains a strong interest in using Holotropic Breathwork within a wide variety of contexts, including social and environmental activism, women’s leadership, intentional spiritual community, transformational education, and gender equity and reconciliation.
She is an adjunct faculty member at the Center for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies and Research (CPTR) at the California Institute of Integral Studies (San Francisco, CA), Southwestern College (Santa Fe, New Mexico) and the Academy for the Love of Learning (Santa Fe, New Mexico ).