Kairn Mahon Carrington is the founder of Climate Hope, an organization dedicated to building our personal resilience to fully engage with the climate crisis, so that we can collectively step back from the abyss and begin to build our world anew.
Kairn has been breaking ground at the intersecting paths of human psychology, ecology, politics, and spirituality for over twenty years. She designs and leads courses to help people develop healthy responses to our ecological crises. Her work attracts a broad range of people, from those working on the front lines of climate change, to educators, health care professionals, municipal leaders, business owners, and engaged parents.
As the past Executive Director of Greenpeace in Canada, she led the successful campaigns to make Clayoquot Sound a United Nations Biosphere Reserve and to protect the Great Bear Rainforest, the largest remaining temperate rainforest in the world. She continues to work for climate justice, through halting the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure.
Through her work as a speaker, writer, and workshop leader, she has reached thousands of people with her message of the power of hope in this time of crisis.