Our presenters are curated for their quality, depth, integrity, and alignment with our educational purpose. Since 1982, a distinguished faculty of authors, educators, activists, artists, performers, and practitioners have shared their work at our Cortes Island campus and in Vancouver.
Sheila Wahsquonaikezhik
Sheila Wahsquonaikezhik is 2-Spirited First Nation Anishnawbek who resides in Northern Ontario. She is the founder of Indige-Spheres to Empowerment (a non-profit organization dedicated to the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples domestically and globally).
Sheila’s expertise lies in program development for First Nations communities/organizations and has been called upon as a resource person for Human Trafficking and Indigenous people and Native Child Welfare. Sheila has developed Indigenous land-based programs for youth and a palliative care training program for a 2-Spirited ASO.