
Mark Busse

Mark Busse is a dynamic figure in the local creative community well known for leadership in design, strategy, and community engagement. Busse’s journey began in fine arts and business administration, blending creativity with strategic thinking that led to founding the brand identity and strategic design firm Industrial Brand, which he managed for 20 years before leadership positions in various architecture and design firms, where he led initiatives in culture, creativity, design process, and interdisciplinary design thinking.

Busse is a Certified Designer and Fellow of the Design Professionals of Canada, a Dialogue Associate with the SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, and an ICF certified leadership coach. He is renowned for applying design methods to strategic and social questions, supporting creative leaders in their growth, and designing and hosting engaging community gatherings.

Busse is also an investor in various startups, a freelance strategy consultant, and the founder and host of CreativeMornings/Vancouver, a free monthly breakfast lecture series on creativity. A passionate volunteer, skilled cook, and licensed wedding officiant, Busse is an example of how curiosity, creativity, and community can drive positive societal change.