Ajay – they/them (RSW, PAT, CI) is a white, queer, neurodivergent, trans-non binary settler, living and working on the stolen lands of the Cowichan Tribes. Ajay is a micro-dosing, psychedelic preparation and integration counselor and coach, a somatic facilitator, an embodied organizer, educator, speaker, and conscious leader; advocating to make healing spaces more accessible, accountable, equitable, inclusive, and safe. Ajay currently sits on MAPS Canada JEDI Board, runs Kaleidosphere (an LGBT2Q2S+ consulting, coaching and education business), and is part of Lightkeepers Collective- working with a group of diverse colleagues, offering experiential training, to those in the Psychedelic and Wellness fields. Plant medicine and psychedelics have helped Ajay immensely in their own healing journey, playing a profound role in deepening Ajay’s understanding of their own identity and social location. The heart of their work is the intersections of spirituality, mysticism, sacred wisdom, science,healing, light and love.