Behind the Misty Isles Life

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At 43 feet, Misty Isles is certainly the biggest member of our family! Since purchasing the schooner in 1997, I’ve become known on Cortes Island as “Misty Mike,” as each summer my wife Samantha and I share our love of the outdoors through Misty Isles Adventures. From kayaking and sailing activities, to our 5-night Sea Kayaking Adventure program, we offer Hollyhock guests a chance to glide gently on the surface of the sea, passing miles of pristine coastline, with seals, bald eagles and seabirds for company.
With tourism at rest in the winter, our focus shifts to the land under our feet. Our small farm has a large garden, horses, alpacas and many chickens that feed us all year long. In fact, Misty Farm produces many of the ingredients used on our Misty Isles trips, like Samantha’s famous cookies! Join us behind the scenes, and in the snow…
Welcome to Misty Farm!

Piper and Raffie are our equine residents.

Strolling through Misty Farm’s garden.
Don’t let that dusting of February snow fool you, Misty Garden offers a bounty of fresh produce every year.

Up the hill, and through the pasture is our hen house.
Fresh eggs from the coop go into various dishes, including those famous “Samantha-made-these” cookies we share on our kayak tours.

Bart and Thunder are our affectionate alpacas, whose wool is knitted into my signature toque.
Bart even gave the camera a little love,  in this behind-the-scenes cut.

The Cortes Island winter gives us a chance to connect over a cup of tea around the warm glow of a wood stove, as we recharge for the upcoming season. Soon hibernation will be over, and this Misty Isles team will be back out on the water sailing, kayaking, and exploring the magnificent Salish Sea as the sun cascades through the mountains around us.
See you on the water Aboard Misty Isles!
Produced by Amanda McNaughton

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