5 Minute Movement Practice

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In the middle of a busy day, Tamara Teeter Knapp of Expressive Arts Florida Institute goes to her expressive arts practice to check in and re-center.

What does it take? 5 minutes of time, a little space to move, a paper taped to the wall and a box of crayons.
You don’t have to be a dancer, or an artist.  You can find your own practice, in your own way, and within your capabilities. Pause, and listen within. Your body holds the wisdom. Colors and marks on the paper make it visible. Words come spontaneously, bringing a message.
Breathe. Exhale. You can do this.
A short creative pause can change your day.

Not ready to stop? Why not extend your time, and hit play on this 15 minute session:

Join Kathleen Horne for Dive In to Expressive Arts on Cortes Island, August 29 – September 2, 2018.

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