Contributed by Andréa de Keijzer Ulate of Collective Rebozo
The rebozo, which is a shawl that comes from Mexico, is a wonderful tool that provides support to anyone in need of envelopment, shelter, warmth and movement. The medicine of the rebozo is humble, gentle and powerful at the same time.
Because the rebozo is used from birth to death, it is said to represent the threads of life.
It is the hug of our grandmothers, when we are wrapped in one we can feel the embrace of our ancestors.
In Mexico and abroad, the rebozo is very useful during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. A rebozo is often given by the mother to her daughter or son when they leave the home and set off on their own. The bangs represent the love and caresses of our mothers and our maternal lineage.

This upcoming Mother’s Day, we invite you and your mother, daughter, sister, aunt, godmother, or friend to come to a retreat at Hollyhock from May 8 – 12, 2024 and learn about the rebozo. You will be guided by Andréa de Keijzer Ulate (Mexico/Costa Rica) and Angie Yañez Oliviero (Mexico), through gentle rituals to weave a time and space of nourishment, tenderness, deep listening and community.
Learn more and register for Weaving Ritual: an Embodied Rebozo Retreat by March 31st and be entered into the Spring Equinox giveaway for one of 5 free bodywork sessions to enhance your retreat experience!