Moving Meditation

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Woman doing yoga in nature | Hollyhock

Enjoy a 7-minute Moving Meditation with Mara Branscombe. Mara was awakened to the potency of Hatha Yoga in India twenty years ago. She is a Mesa Carrier in the Incan Shaman lineage and offers Reiki, intuitive counselling, and shamanic healing to her clients. Teaching yoga and meditation for the past twelve years, Mara weaves together her background as a dance artist, her practice in the shamanic tradition, and her twenty years of experience on her mat- naturally what arises is a fluid, transformative, and embodied practice.

You can join Mara again at Shine the Light 2.0 on June 20, 2021.

This year, as we start to emerge from the darkness of the global pandemic, we are looking forward to a brighter tomorrow. How we emerge from this time – as individuals, as an organization, as a community, and as a society – will shape the future. Come together to celebrate summer solstice with Shine the Light 2.0 – showcasing music, dance, nature immersion, learning, and more.

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You can also check out Mara’s Hollyhock program on Cortes Island, Connecting to Source: Yoga, Meditation, Ritual on Aug 23-28, 2021.

Hollyhock is a registered not-for-profit and relies on philanthropic support to help fund programming development, accessibility, and campus sustainability.

The heart of what Hollyhock does is connect people more deeply to ourselves, each other, and nature. Connection fuels the human spirit and helps us thrive.

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