The Sanctuary: Benefit and Guided Meditation

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On Sunday, March 7 we held a benefit to raise the much needed funds to replace the roof on the Hollyhock Sanctuary. Deepa Narayan, Hollyhock Board Member, hosted Robert Beatty in conversation and Oriane Lee Johnston for a Guided Meditation in the Sanctuary.

Robert captured the spirit of what I feel when he spoke of creating a safe place for us to be open to possibilities – a womb or a container for our spiritual practice and healing. He also spoke to the vision, the work, and the transcendent experiences that came before us that make up the fabric or DNA of a space.

[mk_blockquote font_family=”none”]I am supported by the vision of the creation of the Sanctuary, by all the work that went into it, and by all the spiritual practice. I have been in the sanctuary through some teary times with people, – great grief, some rage – that have happened in it. We make places sacred by our presence and our willingness to open to the transcendent. If there are sacred places in the world then the Sanctuary is one of them. Robert Beatty, Hollyhock Meditation Presenter[/mk_blockquote]

I am very happy to share a recording of this session and hope that you might find inspiration and peace in the wisdom and practice shared.

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Robert also spoke graciously of the practice of dāna (“generosity”) and ”extending what we have in excess for the support of others,” and the way in which it fills our hearts. I invite you to share in generosity, at a time when Hollyhock could really use your support, to make a donation for the Sanctuary repairs. Earthen built structures can last 500 years with the right care and maintenance, however, it can be challenging to do in our beautiful but wet west coast rainforest. Currently the Sanctuary’s carefully crafted living green roof is leaking and raising concerns that the integrity of the building may be at risk. While Hollyhock has many needs in light of the global pandemic, the care of this sacred place needs to be a priority.

The next generation of people who will walk through the Sanctuary doors will be deeply touched as a result of your supporting contributions.

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