What is a “Between Lives Soul Regression”? – Ancestral Stories and Guidance

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A Between Lives Soul Regression (BLSR), which we will do as a group in my workshop Your Soul’s Plan: Awakening to Your Life Purpose, is a form of hypnosis designed to answer any questions you have about your life plan and purpose. The session begins with a series of physical and mental relaxation exercises. I then guide you into a past life. It’s almost always a past life that had a major impact on the plan for your current lifetime. That is, it sheds light on what you came into the current incarnation to learn and why that particular learning is important to you.

…the Council [is] completely nonjudgmental and unconditionally loving. Many people say, “They knew everything about me – and they loved everything about me!”

At the end of the past life, a portion of your consciousness leaves the body in the death scene and crosses back over to the other side. I know this sounds a bit ominous, but there’s really nothing to it. It’s easy, safe, natural, and gentle, and anyone reading this post has probably already done it many times.
After returning to our nonphysical Home, about 80% of clients are greeted by one of their spirit guides. The remaining 20% are greeted by a “deceased” loved one, multiple members of their soul group, an angel, an ascended master, or a spiritual figure of significance to them. Regardless of who greets you, you will talk with that being about why you were shown that particular past life and how it’s related to the plan for your current lifetime. We then ask that being to escort you to the Council of Elders.
The Council consists of the very wise, loving, and highly evolved beings who oversee your evolution on Earth. They know everything about you: the plan and purpose of your current lifetime and every past life you’ve lived. The most common questions asked of and answered by the Council are: What did I plan for my current lifetime and why did I make those plans? How am I doing in terms of fulfilling my plan? How can I better fulfill my plan? How can I heal? What did I plan with [insert names of family members, friends, romantic partners, and all other significant individuals], and how can I best help those people?

Here are some of the questions I’m most often asked about the BLSR:

Will I remember the experience?

Yes, you will. You are fully conscious during the process. In other words, a portion of your consciousness has the experience, while another portion of your consciousness remains aware at all times of who you are, where you are, who I am, and what we are doing together.

What difference will the session make in my life?
That is very much up to you. You can choose to ignore what the Council tells you, or you can choose to apply their wisdom to your life. Often, after the Council makes a particular suggestion to you, I’ll prompt you to ask follow-up questions about how to implement their guidance.
What will the Council be like? Will they judge me?

My clients consistently describe the Council as completely nonjudgmental and unconditionally loving. Many people say, “They knew everything about me – and they loved everything about me!” Clients report basking in the great unconditional love of the Council and how it’s unlike anything they’ve ever experienced in their current lifetime.

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This is a very settling and humbling experience. Join me at The Post at 750 in the heart of Vancouver to learn more about your predestined path and guiding connections in Your Soul’s Plan: Awakening to Your Life Purpose from September 7-8.

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