We Live In Dandelion Times

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“We live in dandelion times”
– Amos Clifford

A couple weeks ago, I took my first complimentary program at Hollyhock (our regular staff get one per season). I chose something that was outside of my regular thing: The Council of Waters and Trees with Amos Clifford. It was a forest bathing program.

Lots of people have asked me, “What is Forest Bathing?” After going through the program, I would say that it is about connecting to the “more than human world” through a practice of mindfulness that compels you to slow down and lean into your experience of the world and the forest. During the week, I spent a lot of time walking through the Hollyhock forest. I had a conversation with a wise fern near the pond and a deep connection with an apple in the backyard of the bluff house. Like I said, outside of my regular thing – but unexpectedly profound, none-the-less.

Throughout the week Amos Clifford talked about dandelions and how they work to heal land that has been damaged by fire or otherwise. Despite their healing properties, they are generally considered a pest by humans and are often sprayed with poisons or uprooted. And yet, undeterred by our efforts, dandelions persist. They come back and heal the land. Amos pushed us to find inspiration from dandelions in these unusual and unsettling times.

More than anything else, the world needs you to show up right now. This is not a time for nihilism or self indulgence. This is time to bring the best of what you have to offer and give it and give it harder than you have given it before. In our organizations (like Hollyhock!), in our communities, in our relationships, and in our families. The type of showing up that is required is not easy. It is not easy in the 5th month of a 6-month season at Hollyhock, nor is it in long-term relationships with loved ones. But, it is what is necessary now. The world is waiting for you.
We live in dandelion times.
Yours in power,

[mk_image src=”https://hollyhock.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/30038528218_e5edac3fd2_z-e1535672318406.jpg” image_size=”full”]

P.S. Our good friend Mike Moore from Misty Isles Adventures pointed out that the dandelion is actually mostly an invasive species. And while they might have some positive transformative influences on the land, we should be mindful of where and how we allow them to settle, and that the land has its own natural ways of healing. Thanks for this insightful addition Mike!

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